Matilde has traveled far distances with her family of 5.
Matilde has traveled far distances with her family of 5. She grew up in Oaxaca Mexico before she settled down in Mount Vernon. Working from sunrise to sunset in all weather conditions Matilde picked blueberries, and strawberries, and has done other fieldwork in the valley. She later transitioned to working in restaurants washing dishes and after some time become a cook.
Washington gives many opportunities to be outdoors hiking, kayaking, playing volleyball, and in summer swimming are just a few of Matilde's hobbies. Cooking for her family and close friends is also something that Matilde takes pride in.
The reason she loves her role at Gleaners is that she gets to help her community. Seeing how people can save money on groceries with what Gleaner offers and seeing everyone has something to eat.
Matilde is our Bilingual Liaison, if you need translation services she is in the office on
Tuesdays, Thursdays & Sundays.